~The feeling you get when you meet "the one"

~The first time your true love hugs you

~The first time your lips touch..

~Be with the one you love

~Cantering across a moonlit meadow

~Getting your dream horse(or other animal)

~Finding out your pregnant

~The first time you feel that miracle kick inside of you

~The first time you get to hold your baby girl(or boy)

~Watching your child smile for the first time

~Watching your child take her first step

~Hearing mommy or daddy for the first time

~Being amazed at the perfection of your child


~Make someone else laugh

~Run around the block

~Run a marathon

~Help an old lady across the street, if she wants to cross

~Be a big brother or big sister


~Watch a sunset

~Write a poem


~Fall in love


~Make love


~Go sailing

~Scuba dive or snorkel

~Take a ferry ride

~Bake a cake

~Watch fireworks

~Play in the snow

~Smell the flowers

~Hug someone

~Have a baby

~Go to a Springsteen concert

~Listen to a symphony

~Take a bath



~Spin around

~Ride on a rollercoaster

~Tell someone how much you care about him or her

~Ride with the top down

~Take a nap in the late afternoon

~Take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain?

~Skinny dip

~Get a massage

~Give money, food, clothes, or medical supplies to disaster survivors

~Read one of the great novels, or one that is great for you


~Clean up a park

~Stare at French Impressionists' paintings

~Write a song

~Fly a kite

~Listen to a Miles Davis CD

~Listen to your favorite CD

~Dance your ass off

~Learn a language


~Just sit in a 700-year-old cathedral




~Play Twister

~Play nude Twister

~Have a meal in an unusual location: at the beach, in a park, on the roof of a tall building

~Go to the top of the Empire State Building or World Trade Center

~Scale or hike to the top of a mountain

~Do yoga

~Get well

~Pamper yourself

~Stand up for what you really believe

~Make a new friend

~Call an old friend

~Help a friend in need

~Work hard on something

~Complete a project


~Clean your house

~Shop till you drop

~Grow vegetables and eat them

~Play with your kids, your little brother, or your dog


~Make a present for someone

~Take a deserved day off

~Do something you've always wanted to do but never have

~Be one with nature

~Be in the moment

~My little girls reaching up and honking my nose.

~The feeling of love when you have found that   someone special in life and you did not think   that there was anyone alive that could make   you feel that way.

~The peace of God inside your heart when the world is storming around you.

~Crunching a wood in the fairway and watching it go straight.

~The smell of fresh cut grass.

~Receiving flowers for no reason at all.

~Watching the sunrise on the beach.

~Playing Candyland with my daughter.

~Waking up in the morning with a great attitude   to start out the day.

~Being grateful to be alive.

~Letting someone know you care.

~Being able to give something of little value to you to someone else that has a great value for   it; and this in turn makes it a wonderful value   for you.

~Hearing my sweet 4 yr. old granddaughter singing.

~Seeing that first clump of Spring chives, ready for snipping.

~Smelling the homemade cinnamon rolls halfway through the baking.

~Waking up with 'numb feet' because the largest kitty is still sleeping on them !

~Finding your best friend from grade school/high school after 13 years.

~Re-living memories and laughing about them.

~Having some alone/down time to rejuvenate.

~Sleeping in "just a little" :)

~Dew on the morning field.

~Soft nickers from inside the stall.

~The mares first kiss.

~Fresh, sweet hay.

~Your cat touching you with one paw as if to say "hi".

~The first green tips of spring bulbs coming up through the ground.

~Hummingbirds at the feeder.

~Smelling mint in the garden after a rain.

Do you have a natural high you'ed like listed here? If so email me below and I'll add it to the list.